Lotus, Sound, and Life

9/11 + 10

Tripp Black  September 11 2011 10:07:58 AM
It was the day the earth stood still (at least the western hemisphere).

I was hurriedly writing some code that was supposedly critical for one of my clients -- I remember which client client, but not the code. It was obviously not as important as we all thought. Nicki calls me and tells me to hurry and come. I walk into the living room to see reporters talking about an accident where a plane hit a building in NY. I was watching the screen when I saw the second one practically go through the second tower and even turn at the last minute to damage as many floors at once.

The evil of hate was very apparent This doesn't matter so much if it's Islam or even Christianity, although Christ's only "violence" was driving evil "money changes" from the template and suffering ultimate violence on the cross. The hate cares none who it kills - Muslim, Christian, or agnostic. It only wants to kill and harm as many as possible.

What was "good" from it was watching so many rally together to search for victims still alive, then their bodies, and then rebuild. The other "good" was watching for a few short weeks politics and pettiness put aside for all us to be U.S. Americans first. It was a good reminder that our differences make us unique, and the hate made us more united. It's a good day to remember that true love casts out fear and the ultimate love is to give oneself for another.

Thanks again to all who served that day and the many months, and now years that's come, protecting and restoring America. Thanks to the families who have a member that's given ultimate love.

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